Richard Head on Personal Growth Through Jumping Rope (Ep. 4)
Richard Head joins Dizzy to share his journey from cycling to jump rope, swapping old habits with skipping, balancing structure and freestyle, and finding support in the jump rope community.
Becky Gibbs on Finding Confidence Through Jump Rope (Ep. 3)
Becky Gibbs and Dizzy dive into her jump rope journey, learning twists, funny rope battles, and admiration for talented skippers, sharing laughs and stories about challenges along the way.
Janie Mac’s Jump Rope Journey and Jams (Ep. 2)
Janie Mac talks to Dizzy about her personal jump rope journey from getting started (and injured), to getting into the flow, learning, and having fun.
Andrea Warburton: the Power of the Jump Rope Community (Ep. 1)
Andrea talks about getting started with skipping rope and the incredible power of the jump rope community.